⭐️ This book was fucking terrible
This review is a quick and dirty one …
Ridiculous amount of telling. Horrible editing—repetition, misplaced modifiers galore, POV drops, very little varied sentence structure, lack of vocabulary, vague words and phrases (move, for example).
I felt nothing for these characters. Farley was the only interesting one. There was no sense of attraction between mains. Interactions were stiff and wooden. I easily figured out it was Maven and mom from beginning. No solid resolution. The author just left plot hanging wide open with its guts swinging in the breeze at the end. A failed attempt to bring it full circle at end with the return of the dead brother (I never believed he was dead).
This book was so...fucking...boring. If this is what passes for "quality" entertainment among today's youth, we are doomed.
The concept was great. Execution was sorely lacking. Massive yawn fest. 😴
This audiobook was a waste of 12 hours and 40 minutes of my life.